So many people are asking this same question. The simple and fast answer really depends on what your own definition of “making it” really is. For lots of people they are really asking if they will become famous or be able to make a lot of money as an artist. For others they want to be recognized as an artist, whether they make any money or not. Then there are a few that have some following, but don’t really make LARGE amounts of money…or they sell ‘enough’ art but never reach household name status. The truth is this…IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FAME, YOU MAY NOT WANT TO BE AN ARTIST. Very few artists actually become famous. Some of the great ones don’t even achieve it until they died. So sad really.
All of that being said you can CERTAINLY ‘make it’ and you can certainly make money as an artist (especially if you are willing to keep pushing and showing your art), but you will have more success if you are simply basing this on whether you are taken seriously as an artist. I have seen some AMAZING artists that have never made a penny from their art. I have also seen lots of people with substandard art that have gone out and regularly sold pieces. Mainly they have cracked the ‘formula’…the one that made them aware of their audience and how to speak to them, how to appeal to them. That is an art in and of itself.
Lots of people “try” selling and promoting once and then find out how hard it is and how dedicated you have to be to get anywhere….then they quit. Many times they find out that it really is that difficult or they just think that their talent isn’t good enough. They feel like other artists are better, more ELITE even. That isn’t always the truth though, matter of fact it rarely is. The main difference between the 2 “artists” is that one of them simply wanted it more and invested more of their time into promoting it.
So, the question should really be, ‘Will I put in the effort needed in order to become a financially successful artist?’ I think that you know the answer to that already. Don’t create or begin any kind of creative business in hopes of becoming famous. Do this because you have the passion to do it, and because you can’t possibly contain all of the creativity flowing forth from you. Do it because it hurts NOT TO. If it is something that you truly love and want to do then it won’t feel like a chore. It won’t feel like it’s too hard. Promoting your art will bring you joy and fulfillment rather than become a pain in the ass. Finding your joy doesn’t mean that it will be easy…it means that it will be worth it. So don’t be afraid to try new things, branch out, move out of your comfort zone, push on when it seems like nothing is working…that is where you will find your answer.
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