Believe it or not, this is a common question. In my classes, in parties, and in art groups on the internet I hear it often. People everywhere want to know if they can go wrong when creating art. There is a simple answer for this, but after this question we should really consider what is making people feel like they CAN do it wrong.
Truthfully even if it is totally cliché, you cannot go wrong if you are creating at all. It is really a brave enterprise and not something that people really get. Some people don’t understand how much energy builds up in a person when they have a need or yearning to create. That doesn’t mean that the person will be good at creating, just that they want to.
Some people are naturally gifted in these areas, but even those who are naturally gifted still need to practice. People who are super gifted still make mistakes; the only difference is that those people never admit it to you. They have gotten smart enough to say it was intentional. They have been in the business long enough to create a fun, imagined adventure around the ‘mistake’ that you see. A true artist will always have a story for it because they are crafty in all manners of ‘arting’. Don’t buy into the hype here, they aren’t doing anything different than what you are doing…they are simply better at hiding it.
Now, I know I said that someone who has desire to create art could not do it wrong. I mean that. The key word though is desire, meaning passion. Not everyone has it and it isn’t something that can be learned or taught. I have seen the so-called “great” artists that honestly have super shitty paintings. There is no theme, no flow, no real imagination…but overall it is lacking the big one, PASSION! Passion is the main ingredient for a real artist. It is the thing that makes you get out of the bed in the morning, wanting to make something beautiful. Without it why bother?
So back to the original sentiment about this…Why would you have felt that you could make art wrong? Is it because you feel like you aren’t good enough? Do you feel like those who can create are at some kind of higher status than you? Do you feel like you aren’t ready to share your art? Has someone put you and your art down? Is it because of the art elite trying to discourage you? Good news! All of those things are simply peripheral bullshit!
You can improve your self-esteem. You can learn more about how art and art creation works. You can remove negative influences from your life….and you can ignore the riffraff, the ‘art elite’ aren’t elite at all and they really don’t matter. Get to the point where you are making the art for you. If you do that, you will be pleasing the only person that matters.
Take time out only to plan your next moves and ignore people who aren’t supportive of you and your ‘arting’ endeavors. When all is said and done those people aren’t the ones that are going to make you or break you. You are REALLY the master of your own destiny here and your attitude will be the greatest indication of your success. So, I challenge you to decide what kind of person you really want to be…and then BE IT!
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